Clojurists Together takes the responsibility of spending and allocating your donations very seriously. These are the steps we’ve taken to ensure that members have confidence in how their money is spent:
- We publish regular updates showing what we did, and where the money went. In particular, if any money went to committee members, e.g. for travel, then this is explicitly broken out.
- Annual elections for committee members are held, and anyone may submit themselves for election.
- We publish guidelines for how we choose projects.
- Project members with close links to projects or applicants will recuse themselves from voting on those proposals. This follows Conservancy’s policies on conflict of interest.
- Committee members cannot submit projects or accept any project funding from Clojurists Together.
- Only one person from any company/organisation can be on the committee so as to reduce the influence of any one organisation.
- Committee members serve on a voluntary basis. The project leader may be (but isn’t currently) paid for time spent running the project. Project expenses including travel may be reimbursed.
- We have hired a part-time administration assistant to help us with preparing grant reports, contracts, monthly updates, responding to member queries, e.t.c.
- Minutes from Committee meetings are published in our monthly updates.
- We have an annual members meeting where members are welcome to bring items for discussion.
If you have any questions or concerns about how Clojurists Together is organised or run, you can contact us.