May 2019 Monthly Update

By Rachel Magruder

Clojurists Together News

Hi CT Community -

This month we present the first updates from one of our Q2 Projects - Fireplace!

Daniel talking at Bay Area Clojure

Last month, Our Project Leader Daniel Compton spoke about Clojurists Together at the Bay Area Clojure Meetup, and at the Clojure NYC Meetup. It was great to be able to meet people and talk about Clojurists Together with the community.

Daniel talking at Clojure NYC

We were excited to see Devon Zuegel mentioned Clojurists Together at GitHub Satellite as part of the inspiration for their new GitHub Sponsors program!

GitHub Sponsors

Daniel is also speaking about Clojurists Together again soon! Catch him at one of the following local events:

Heart of Clojure - Money for Nothing: The past and future of funding OSS
August 2nd in Leuven, Belgium

Strange Loop - A Stitch in Time - The future of OSS Sustainability
September 12-14 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Thanks for your continued support of Clojurists Together!

Fireplace update

May 1 - 15

This first period has been lots of housekeeping and bug fixes. Much of it has been centered on the relatively small bit of Python code used for the nREPL network connection, which has needed attention to Python 3 support now that Python 2 is finally starting to disappear in the wild.

I also did a spike on async job support and determined it is indeed viable. It’s not pushed yet but most of the associated refactoring is.

Raw list of commits:

May 16 - 31

This time around is more of the same: assorted housekeeping and async job progress. I’ve finished my “low hanging fruit” pass through the issue tracker and have cut a maintenance release. With a little luck, I’ll have the initial job support on master by the next update.


Related issues: #276, #290, #329, #336,