Long-term funding update
By Daniel Compton
We recently sent out an email to our members with voting ballots for long-term funding. We’ve had some feedback and questions, so we wanted to send an update with some more information.
Goals for long-term funding
To recap, our members will be voting for 6 developers to receive $1.5k USD/month for 12 months. This is a new funding program alongside our existing project based grants. After talking to members and developers we realised there was the opportunity for a new kind of funding. Our goals were:
- Give developers a predictable base of long-term funding to let them continue the great open source work they’ve already been doing.
- Give developers money with less “strings attached”. The grant is not tied to a particular project, we think developers can do great things when they are free to work on whatever seems most promising to them, especially over a long period of time.
- Give members direct influence over who gets funded.
You can read more in The next phase of Clojurists Together.
We are also in the late processes of finalising our project grants. There will be 3 grants for $1k, 3 for $2k, and 3 for $9k.
Voting system
We previously used CIVS for member voting. CIVS have changed their policy and now require opt-in from each email before they will send survey emails. Each Clojurists Together member would need to opt-in to CIVS before they could vote. They changed it right around the time we were doing board member voting and it was very messy even doing a handful of people; it would be very difficult for 200+ members.
We’ve chosen a new voting system which lets us distribute the voter keys by email, but the interface doesn’t work as well when voting on a lot of candidates. We’ll look at different options for our next member survey.
You need to rank the candidates in preference order. You don’t need to rank all 60 candidates, just your top 10 or so should be enough for the voting algorithm.
If you’re a current member, you should have received an email with details on how to vote. If you didn’t get an email or are having trouble voting, please contact us.
Candidate info
One other thing that we heard was that it could be hard to connect the names on the ballot to the projects those people work on. We’ve added more information below on each candidate and some of what they’re known for. These projects are not necessarily the projects they would work on if funded, just ones that you might be using today.
- Alan Thompson/@cloojure - tupelo, tupelo-datomic
- Alexander Yakushev/@alexander-yakushev - CIDER, Compliment, Clojure Goes Fast, Many clojure-goes-fast libraries
- Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant/@frency64 - Typed Clojure
- Arne Brasseur/@plexus - kaocha, deep-diff2, Heart of Clojure conference, Lambda Island
- Ashima Panjwani/@ashimapanjwani - viz.clj, clojisr
- Baptiste Dupuch/@dupuchba - Clojuredart
- Ben Brinckerhoff/@bhb - expound
- Bobby Towers/@porkostomus - 4bb, excercism/clojure
- Bozhidar Batsov/@bbatsov - CIDER, nREPL, clojure-style-guide, orchard, clojure-mode
- Brandon Ringe/@bpringe - Calva
- Bruce Hauman/@bhauman - figwheel, devcards, rebel-readline.
- Cam Saul/@camsaul - methodical, whitespace-linter
- Carmen La/@lacarmen - cryogen
- Chris Oakman/@oakmac - cuttle, atom-parinfer, vscode-parinfer, parinfer-elisp
- Christophe Grand/@cgrand - enlive, Clojuredart, mustache, xforms
- Christopher Small/@metasoarous - oz, semantic-csv, datsync, datsys
- David Nolen/@swannodette - ClojureScript, Om, transit-cljs
- Dmitri Sotnikov/@yogthos - Selmer, Luminus, markdown-clj, migratus
- Dragan Djuric/@blueberry - neanderthal, clojurecuda, deep-diamond
- Eric Dallo/@ericdallo - clojure-lsp, deps-bin, emacs-lsp/lsp-mode
- Erik Assum/@slipset - deps-deploy, clojure/data.json, CLJ Commons repositories
- Ethan Miller/@ezmiller - tablecloth.time
- Iizuka Masashi/@liquidz - vim-iced, antq, merr
- Isaac Johnston/@superstructor - re-frame, re-com, re-frame-10x
- James Reeves/@weavejester - compojure, ring, hiccup, cljfmt
- Joel Holdbrooks/@noprompt - meander, garden, frak
- John Stevenson/@practicalli-john - Practicalli
- Jordan Miller/@lambduhh - Lost in Lambduhhs, athens
- Juho Teperi/@Deraen - reagent, compojure-api, sass4clj, less4clj
- Konrad Kühne/@kordano - datahike, konserve, replikative
- Lee Hinman/@dakrone - clj-http, cheshire, clojure-opennlp
- Lee Read/@lread - rewrite-clj, clj-graal-docs
- Martin Klepsch/@martinklepsch - cljdoc, confetti, derivatives
- Matthew Ratzke/@flyboarder - boot, firebase-cljs
- Maurício Szabo/@mauricioszabo - atom-chlorine, clover, repl-tooling
- Michiel Borkent/@borkdude - babashka, clj-kondo, sci, jet, nbb
- Miikka Koskinen/@miikka - reitit, muuntaja
- Mike Fikes/@mifikes - ClojureScript, planck, cljs-bean
- Mike Thompson/@mike-thompson-day8 - re-frame, re-com, re-frame-10x
- Nicola Mometto/@Bronsa - tools.reader, clojure, tools.analyzer
- Nicolas Modrzyk/@hellonico - origami, zebra
- Nikita Prokopov/@tonsky - FiraCode, datascript, uberdeps, tongue
- Oleksii Kachaiev/@kachayev - aleph, netty
- Oliver Caldwell/@Olical - conjure, cljs-test-runner, depot
- Paula Gearon/@quoll - asami
- Peter Strömberg/@PEZ - Calva, Zero-install Get Started with Clojure, Rich 4Clojure, Dram, rn-rf-shadow
- Peter Taoussanis/@ptaoussanis - sente, timbre, carmine, nippy, tufte
- Phil Hagelberg/@technomancy - leiningen
- Roman Liutikov/@roman01la - uix, rum, citrus
- Sam Ritchie/@sritchie - sicmutils, functional-numerics, cascalog
- Sean Corfield/@seancorfield - next-jdbc, honeysql, depstar, dot-clojure
- Sven Richter/@sveri - closp
- Thomas Heller/@thheller - shadow-cljs
- Tim Pope/@tpope - vim-fireplace
- Tommi Reiman/@ikitommi - compojure-api, reitit, mallli, spec-tools
- Tony Kay/@awkay - fulcro
- Vlad Proczenko/@vlaaad - cljfx, reveal
- Ivan Grishaev/@igrishaev - etaoin, mockery
- Wilker Lucio/@wilkerlucio - pathom3, pathom, eql, spec-coerce
- Yannick Scherer/@xsc - lein-ancient, rewrite-clj, alumbra, claro
- Yehonathan Sharvit/@viebel - klipse
- Zach Oakes/@oakes - odoyle-rules, play-cljc, Paravim