Beyond Clojurists Together
Are you already a Clojurists Together member and want to know what more you can do? Do you want to support open source projects more directly than donating to Clojurists Together? Whatever the reason, there are many Clojure projects and Clojurists that you can fund directly.
If you know of other people or projects we should add to this page, please make a pull request on GitHub to let us know.
- Clojure, Rich Hickey - GitHub Sponsors
- CIDER, Bozhidar Batsov - GitHub Sponsors, Patreon, Open Collective, PayPal
- Figwheel, Bruce Hauman - PayPal
- Neanderthal, Dragan Djuric - Patreon
- DataScript, Nikita Prokopov - Patreon
- shadow-cljs, Thomas Heller - Patreon
- Typed Clojure, Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant - Patreon
- Luminus, Dmitri Sotnikov - Patreon
- Fulcro, Tony Kay - Patreon
- Clojureverse, Clojurians Log, Kaocha, Arne Brasseur - Patreon
- Nightcode, Zach Oakes - Patreon
- Vim Iced, Masashi Iizuka - Patreon
- cljdoc, Martin Klepsch - GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective
- Boot - Open Collective
-, time-literals, time-specs, Henry Widd Patreon
- Calva, Peter Strömberg - GitHub Sponsors, PayPal
Note: Clojurists Together is not responsible for the content of these links or how any donations are used.